Session I - Problem statement I: Patients’ and Clinicians’ experience
Ms Anne Merel Kloosterman, Pat Morrissey, MRCGP, FLCCC International Fellow
Session II - Integrity failure in biomedical sciences: overview of different scales of integrity failure
Dr. Maarten Fornerod, Dr. Miki Gibo, Dr. Jessica Rose
Session III: A summary talk about management of long-COVID and post-vaccination injury
Marc Girardot, MBA, Rob Elens, MD GP, Mervana Maša Mujkić
Session IV: Diagnostics of COVID-related symptoms, Do we know enough
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, Ivana Pavić, MD, PhD
Session V: Presenting and analysing big govenment data to aid informed decisions for politics, health care and the general public.
Dr Theo Schetters, Dr. Wouter Aukema
Session VI: Medical, ethical, legal challenges and censorship
Philipp Kruse, Meike Terhorst, Tom Sunić